Ganinduto Dico publicly calls on Ahmad Raffi to participate in the 2024 regional election in Central Java.

**Targeted by Golkar** The Central Java Regional Executive Board (DPD) of the Golkar Party is open to nominating Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi as a gubernatorial candidate in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Central Java Golkar Party DPD and former Karanganyar Regent Juliyatmono in Karanganyar, Central Java, on June 25, 2024, stated that several potential names have been inventoried. „We are still inventorying all possible candidates, including Mr. Police Chief. Everyone wants to win,“ he stated. According to him, the party is widely open to external figures who wish to run in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. „It is very possible. Especially now, the situation is still dynamic. There are many capable candidates,“ he stated.

Usep explained that independent candidates actually emerge as a critique of the party system mandated to recruit candidates in regional elections. However, some believe the party system remains undemocratic, leading to challenges in the Constitutional Court (MK), which were successful. „But in practice, many independent candidates fail to win in terms of electability. Additionally, independent candidates do not have party supporters in the parliament, which is essential for implementing various programs,“ Usep said. Usep added that independent candidates must be financially robust and well-networked, besides competing against party candidates with party machinery. „Party-backed candidates are often one step ahead due to the party machinery behind them. Unless an independent candidate is highly popular and well-networked, it is difficult,“ he said.

A. Irawan noted that the data found the public reception of regent hopefuls for Jember. The approval rating of Hendy is only 48.7 percent, less than 50 percent, while ex-regent Faida has an acceptance level of 78.6 percent. Meanwhile, Muhammad Fawait has an approval rating of 53 percent, and other figures such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat all have approval ratings below 50 percent. „From the JJI survey, the electability (Top of Mind) of F. Faida as a prospective regent for Jember is in the top position with 37.7 percent. In second place is Siswanto with 20.7 percent electability, followed by Fawait with an popularity rating of 17.7 percent,“ he explained. Other candidates, like Jaddin Wajads, have 4.6 percent, and Hadi Supaat has 3.6 percent, with other figures below 2 percent.

Political observer Hendri Satrio, from the Indonesian Public Opinion Study and Discussion Group (KedaiKopi), also known as Hensat, said that the regional election in Jakarta has never been kind to incumbents. Hensat made this statement in response to the emergence of many old figures expected to run again as candidates for governor and deputy governor of Jakarta in 2024. Names like former Jakarta Governor 2014-2017 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) or Ahok and former Jakarta Governor 2017-2022 Anies Baswedan have been mentioned as potential candidates for If you have any sort of inquiries regarding where and how you can use demokrat serahkan cakada pilkada 2024, you can contact us at our own site. the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election. „There are certainly chances for (Anies and Ahok to win the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election),“ Hensat told on Monday (13/5/2024).

The findings reveal that three candidates are vying in the 2024 Jember Pilkada: Faida, the ex-regent of Jember, Muhammad Fawait, a member of the East Java DPRD, and Hendy Siswanto, the incumbent Regent of Jember. „The data show that Hendy and Faida are very popular by the people of Jember, with awareness rates above 80 percent. 82.7 percent of the people know Faida, Hendy Siswanto by 78.7 percent, and 65.7 percent are aware of Muhammad Fawait. Other candidates, such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat of PDI Perjuangan, have popularity ratings below 40 percent,“ said Irawan Agusta in a formal statement on Saturday.

Maximum Effort When asked how optimistic he is about running in the 2024 Pilkada, Dico Ganinduto couldn’t provide a definite answer. He states he can only make his best effort and leave the results to God Almighty. „I believe, as humans, we must strive and make maximum efforts. As much as possible, try with good intentions. We leave the results to Allah,“ explained Dico Ganinduto.

The ceremonial Pilkada launch was attended by Forkopimda members, political party leaders, election organizers and supervisors, as well as religious and community leaders. Dompu KPUD Chairman Arif Rahman, in his speech, said that this year’s Dompu Pilkada is based on the spirit of local wisdom, namely Manggini, Manggari, Mataroa. Arif explained that the spirit of Manggini has a philosophical meaning, a quality Pilkada process prioritizing integrity. Then, Manggari means that the community faces the Pilkada with joy. And the philosophical meaning of Mataroa is that the result of the Pilkada ensures the sovereignty of the people.

Previously, Bambang Pacul mentioned that his party is still finalizing the nominations for the 2024 Central Java Pilgub. Pacul emphasized that PDIP is open to any prominent figures, including Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi. „It is still in discussion and under survey, and we will report the decision to the central committee,“ Bambang Pacul stated in response to whether the Central Java PDIP has shortlisted Ahmad Luthfi’s name at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 20, 2024. Pacul mentioned that the names of prominent figures emerging from various survey results will be proposed to the PDIP Central Executive Board (DPP). He left the decision on the Central Java Pilkada nominations to PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. „The decision is at the central level, but we will submit the data and survey results,“ Pacul stated in response to questions about Ahmad Luthfi being considered by PDIP in Central Java. „The final decision in Central Java is in the hands of the Chairwoman. If PDIP doesn’t nominate, it’s impossible. We will definitely nominate someone. Which one, we don’t know yet,“ he stated.