Pantarlih are an integral part of the 2024 Regional Elections process.

„No, there hasn’t been any,“ said Hendrar when met after the 10th-anniversary celebration of the Ganjar Grassroots Network Volunteers (Jangkar Baja) in South Jakarta, Friday (April 10, 2024), as reported by Antara

**Pantarlih Work Period** The work period of Pantarlih for the 2024 Pilkada lasts for one month, starting from June 24 after the inauguration until July 25, 2024. This is regulated in KPU Decision Number 475 of 2024, which is the Fourth Amendment to KPU Decision Number 476 of 2022 on Technical Guidelines for the Formation of Ad Hoc Election and Regional Head Election Bodies. During this work period, Pantarlih has an important responsibility to update voter data and ensure the accuracy of the voter list. They are also expected to cooperate with various related agencies, such as the Regency KPU, PPK, and PPS, in completing their tasks effectively. With this limited work period, Pantarlih is required to work efficiently and focus on ensuring that the voter data update process is completed properly according to the established schedule.

**Ma’ruf Amin Asks KPI to Reduce Hoax Spread Ahead of 2024 Pilkada** „KPI and KPID can provide education on the implementation and progress of the Pilkada through good, positive, and neutral broadcasts. This is important so that the public is protected from fake news (hoaxes),“ stated Ma’ruf, as reported by Antara, on Tuesday. Ma’ruf also conveyed several points that need attention and follow-up from KPI and all broadcasting elements present at the event. He requested KPI to continue monitoring and supervising broadcasts by referring to the Broadcasting Code of Conduct (P3) and Broadcasting Program Standards (SPS).

Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute and also Chairman of the Semarang DPC PDI Perjuangan, Hendrar Prihadi, stated that there has been no communication with his party leaders regarding the possibility of his candidacy in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada

Furthermore, Hadi requested for synergy from local governments in facilitating the organization of the 2024 Pilkada. Where the local government does not facilitate, the simultaneous Pilkada will certainly be disrupted. „Therefore, total synergy can ensure the successful implementation of the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada,“ he stated. Hadi reminded the local governments to take strategic steps, including avoiding overlaps between central and local governments.

„It could be dangerous, leading to a deadlock, and it might not get coalition partners,“ said Huda at the Parliament Complex in Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday (26/6/2024). „Objectively, it could potentially close the door for other parties,“ he added.

Huda reminded that the Jakarta Regional Election is very fluid and nothing is fixed, including PKS as the winner of the Jakarta Election but unable to nominate candidates independently. „Nominating two figures as governor and deputy governor candidates requires a party that already has a golden ticket, which means 20 percent,“ he said. „We know that PKS won the recent legislative elections. However, they haven’t reached 20 percent because they only have 18 seats, while 20 percent requires 22 seats,“ concluded Huda.

„One thing to watch out for in every democratic event amid the rapid digitalization and social media is the susceptibility to the spread of hoaxes and hate speech with ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group (SARA) nuances, which have the potential to create polarization that can divide the unity of society,“ said Edy in Palangka Raya, quoted from Antara, Friday (June 21, 2024) . [Read More](5625096 5625037 5624160)

nThe TBRC survey was conducted from April 10-21, 2024, using the multistage random sampling method with 1,688 respondents proportionally distributed across 35 districts/cities in Central Java Province . Data collection was conducted through face-to-face interviews with the aid of questionnaires. The margin of error is +/-2.3% with a 95% confidence level

They are an ad hoc body with the main task of conducting voter data matching and research (data verification). This body is formed by the PPS and is responsible for ensuring that the voter list is current and accurate. [readmore:Read More](5497822 5517909 5517023) One of Pantarlih’s primary duties is to conduct voter data verification in accordance with Model A Voter List or based on data from the General Election Commission (KPU). They do this by visiting voters directly from house to house, ensuring that the information they have about the voters is correct and up to date. The results of the candidate selection for Pantarlih for the 2024 Pilkada were just announced on June 21, 2024, with the names of those who passed the selection set to be determined on June 23, 2024. After being determined, the selected Pantarlih candidates will undergo their official inauguration. The main duty of Pantarlih after the inauguration is to carry out their functions with full responsibility, ensuring that the voter data update process runs smoothly and accurately for the success of the 2024 Pilkada. Here is a further review of Pantarlih’s duties and salary as compiled by from the website, Tuesday (June 25, 2024). [vidio:VIDEO: Jakarta Pilkada and East Java Gubernatorial Election Candidate Market 2024](

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