Wismansyah Arief Rachadiono, who has acted as the Tangerang Mayor for two terms, after five years as the Assistant Mayor, is now redirecting his efforts to a greater challenge, namely the Banten Pilkada, by running for Governor.

„God willing, we are ready to compete supportively and fairly, God willing,“ he said. Sohibul believes that whoever the gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial candidates nominated by political parties (parpol) are, the goal is for the good of Jakarta. „Whether through the civil service, retired military and police, socio-cultural groups, professional groups […]

Head of PDIP DPP, Sotarduga Eriko, hinted at a potential partnership with the National Awakening Party in the East Java Pilkada.

The voter data updating system for this simultaneous regional election is different from the previous election. In the previous election, voter data came from local governments and the Ministry of Home Affairs, while this year’s regional elections data only came from the Ministry of Home Affairs. If this happens, the […]