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This is the moment to get reacquainted with James Bond or, if it’s all new to you, to take your first plunge into the world of 007. The latest Bond film is nearly upon us: No Time to Die, aka Bond 25, arrives in movie theaters in just a matter of days. If you loved this article and you would like to obtain additional facts concerning เครดิตฟรี 50 ไม่ต้องทํากิจกรรม kindly stop by our page. She told a producer that the bracelet was worth $70,000. ‚I have a high threshold of what I can put up with, but what I draw the line is when people start throwing diamonds,‘ Lisa said in a confessional. Themed parties have become quite popular among party arrangers in recent time.

Whether it is a private occasion or a corporate get together all the organizers are choosing specific themes so that they can make it even more interesting for the guests. Casino is a great theme because the parties become full of fun and frolic when the guest gets involved in playing popular card games, and o But for now let’s skip the very first movie, Dr. Follow up with From Russia With Love / Goldfinger This whole franchise got going with Connery, so you can’t go wrong starting there.

Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but the two movies that followed are more definitive — they’re often the top two in lists of the best Bond movies. Pick either of these and you’re getting absolutely top-shelf Connery, the man who defined Bond and who was the heart of the franchise when it exploded into a phenomenon. The early movies are very much of their time, of course, so while you might chuckle at the quaintness of the tech and the fashions and the cinematography, you may cringe a bit at some of the ethnic depictions and sexual mores.

I’d recommend getting a handful of Craig and/or Connery movies under your belt before venturing out more widely. Stick with the five Connery films from the 1960s before looking toward his two comeback efforts. Best to watch the Craig installments in sequence, but the Connerys (like the Moores, Daltons and Brosnans) you can watch in any order. But for contemporary audiences, I’m going with a different recommendation for which Bond movie to watch first, and where to go from there.

I got started watching back in the Connery era, so I’m eternally bonded to those movies. Then along came Goldfinger (1964), the third movie. I expect you to die“). This one ratcheted things up and pretty much set the splashy tone for all the movies up till Craig arrived — the outlandish plot (set off a nuke to irradiate the gold at Fort Knox), the over-the-top villain and henchman, the Aston Martin DB-5 sports car tricked out with machine guns and ejector seat, the laser with which Goldfinger memorably threatens 007 („No, Mr.

Plus: One of the greatest theme songs of the series. The disclosures are reported to be based on the leak of files from 14 financial services companies in countries including the British Virgin Islands, Panama, Belize, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Switzerland. According to BBC Panorama, which conducted a joint investigation with the Guardian, among the disclosures in the papers are details of the way prominent and wealthy people have been legally setting up companies to secretly buy property in the UK.